As the cannabis industry grows and changes, so does the cannabis packaging that goes around it. From containers that are safe for kids to options that are good for the environment, the cannabis packaging industry is always coming up with new ways to meet the needs of both customers and regulators. But what will happen to cannabis packaging in the future? In this article, we share some things to keep an eye out for.

cannabis packaging

Focus on sustainability

As people learn more about how waste packaging affects the environment, it’s likely that more and more companies will choose sustainable options. This could include packaging made from biodegradable, compostable, or recycled materials, as well as packaging made to be reused or refilled. 

More people are following the rules

The rules for packaging cannabis products vary a lot from state to state and country to country. As the industry grows up and becomes more regulated, it’s likely that companies will invest in packaging that meets the strictest standards so they can sell their products in a wider range of markets. 

Better user experience

As cannabis products become more popular, packaging is likely to pay more attention to looks and ease of use. This could include packaging that looks better and is easier to open, as well as packaging that keeps the product’s quality (e.g. to keep edibles fresh). 

Increased competition

Since the cannabis industry is expected to keep growing quickly, packaging companies are likely to face more competition. As companies try to stand out in a crowded market, this could lead to more new ideas and better prices. 

More integration with technology

As technology keeps getting better, it’s possible that cannabis packaging will become more interactive and connected. For example, packaging could include QR codes that give information about the product or make it easy to reorder, or it could use smart packaging technologies (like temperature-controlled packaging) to improve the user experience. 


Overall, the future of cannabis packaging looks bright, with a focus on sustainability, compliance, and the user experience. As the business world keeps changing, it will be interesting to see how these trends play out and what new ideas come up.