As the cannabis industry grows, so does the need for environmentally friendly packaging. From biodegradable materials to recycled content, there are a variety of eco-friendly packaging materials that can reduce the environmental impact of cannabis products. But with so many choices, how do you decide which one is best for your business? Here are some ways to sustainable package cannabis that are good for the environment and some best practices for sustainable cannabis packaging to keep in mind. 

Biodegradable materials

Natural processes can break down packaging made of biodegradable materials into things that can be used as compost or fertilizers. Paper and cardboard are two common biodegradable materials used to package cannabis. Plastics made from plants, like cornstarch or potato starch, are also used. 

Compostable materials

Natural processes can break down packaging made of compostable materials into materials that can be used as compost. But things that can be composted usually need certain conditions (like high temperatures and moisture) to break down, which may not be available everywhere. Plastics made from plants and paper products are often used to package cannabis because they can be composted. 

Recycled materials

Compared to packaging made from new materials, packaging made from recycled materials takes less energy and resources to make. Some common recycled materials used in cannabis packaging include paper, cardboard, and plastic. 

Reusable and refillable cannabis packaging

Packaging that can be used more than once or that can be filled up again can cut down on waste a lot. You can use glass bottles and jars or reusable containers made of stainless steel or silicone, among other things. 

Best practices for sustainable cannabis packaging

sustainable cannabis packaging

When choosing sustainable cannabis packaging, it’s important to think about how the packaging is made, used, and thrown away over its entire life cycle. In addition, look for packaging that is made from materials that have been certified by organizations such as the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) or the Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC) (SPC). Finally, consider partnering with a packaging company that has a strong track record of sustainability and is committed to reducing its environmental impact. 


The cannabis business has a unique chance to be a leader in environmentally friendly cannabis packaging. By choosing eco-friendly packaging options and adopting best practices, companies can not only reduce their environmental impact, but also appeal to consumers who are increasingly concerned about sustainability. So let’s work together to make cannabis packaging more eco-friendly in the future.