As the cannabis industry grows, so does the amount of trash it makes from packaging. Traditional ways of packaging cannabis have a big effect on the environment, from single-use plastic containers to foil pouches. But what is the problem exactly, and what can be done to fix it? 

Here’s what you need to know about how the way cannabis is packed affects the environment. 

How big the problem is

A lot of trash is made by the way cannabis is packed. Some estimates say that the cannabis industry in the United States alone makes more than 3 million tons of waste every year. This trash goes to landfills, where it can take up to a thousand years to break down. 

Different types of materials

Traditional cannabis packaging is often made of one-time use plastic containers and foil pouches, which are not easy to recycle. These things are a big source of litter and add to plastic pollution. 

The potential consequences

The effect of cannabis packaging on the environment goes beyond waste and litter. For example, fossil fuels are often used to make plastic and other materials used for packaging. This adds to climate change. Waste from packaging can also hurt wildlife and ecosystems because animals can eat it or it can leach chemicals into the soil and water. 

How to fix the effects of cannabis packaging on the environment

There are ways to make cannabis packaging less harmful to the environment. One option is to switch to materials that are better for the environment, such as those that can be broken down or recycled. These materials make it easier to re-use or break down packaging, which cuts down on the amount of trash that ends up in landfills. Also, companies can use packaging designs that are more efficient and use less material, such as packaging that can be used more than once or can be refilled. 


The cannabis business has a unique chance to be a leader in environmentally friendly packaging. By using more eco-friendly packaging, companies can not only reduce their impact on the environment, but they can also attract customers who care more and more about the environment. 

cannabis packaging effect climate