To source cost effective and sustainable packaging solutions
and create a globally diverse supply chain. 


We strive to feel like an extension of your in-house marketing team.
By working with TOP SHELF GLOBAL you will benefit from our expertise, experience,
and industry connections to streamline the procurement process, save time, and reduce costs.


Our founding team has extensive experience across music, fashion, cannabis, tech, food and beverage, alcohol, crypto, and action sports including Red Bull, American Apparel, PSD Apparel, Sony Music, and CRESCO.


We combine our extensive knowledge across a wide variety of industries with our unique understanding of domestic and international suppliers, their capabilities and reputation, which keeps us hip to the latest trends and innovations across the marketplace.


With boots on the ground in California, Florida, China, Thailand and Mexico, we use this knowledge to ensure that our clients receive high-quality products from reputable suppliers at the best prices possible. In addition to sourcing and negotiating with our factory partners, we manage all logistics, including shipping and delivery, oversee quality control to ensure that products meet budget, quality and timeline requirements, and provide our clients complete visibility to the entire process via our proprietary project management portal.


The lines between consumer packaged goods, apparel, merch and swag have merged. Be it part of your marketing budget or a revenue center, the mainstreaming of streetwear coupled with social media, short attention spans and the need to keep users constantly engaged, requires brands to frequently innovate. Be it building a collection to opening a Shopify store, kitting, storage or connecting you to a creative or digital marketing partner, TSG is here to assist you in every step of the process.